Special Polio Vaccination Drive – Spread The Word

The special drive of pulse polio vaccination is scheduled from Monday, Jun 20, 2016 to Sunday Jun 26, 2016. The government has set up 756 booths in Hyderabad and 116 in Ranga Reddy district to administer the inactivated polio vaccine.


State’s health administration, aided by UNICEF and WHO, conducted a survey in high-risk areas and those in the vicinity of a nala in which vaccine-derived polio virus was recently found. The vaccination campaign is a precautionary measure to prevent infections. Even before the survey to identify the number of children for the campaign was completed, the State procured 3.5 lakh doses of vaccine which will be administered by injection.

You can contact the nearest Anganwadi Center regarding the vaccination program.

Find out the nearest Anganwadi Center at http://tgwdcw.in/awc_info/php_files/awc_info_status_rpt.php

Sample Anganwadi Center details:
